Digital Abstractions & Compositions, Photography
                                                       Exhibitions worldwide                               

Thomas Falkner

 Thomas Falkner has been artistically active since the early 2000s; initially with photomontages. Since the mid-2010s, he has been developing his own unique style: highly reduced and processed photographs in which structures, contexts and perspectives become clearer. The highlight in 2019/20 was the double exhibition "Der zweite Blick. Berlin - the City" with his patron and role model, the Berlin painter Horst Dietzel at the "Helle Panke" gallery in Prenzlauer Berg. Some of the paintings presented there, as well as more recent works, have since been shown in Athens, London, Venice, Amsterdam, Zug, Salzburg, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and Miami. Further exhibitions are in preparation.

Falkner is artistically self-taught. He was born in 1957 in (East) Berlin. After studying and earning his doctorate in Leipzig, he first worked as a political journalist in Berlin and Bonn, and later as a political consultant and publicist. He has been retired since 2021. Falkner is the author of several books.

More by & about Thomas Falkner:

Instagram:        @thofalkner

Artist portrait:



Exhibitions (Selection):


              HEART OF ITALY - 2ª BIENNALE della CREATIVITÀ. Ferrara/Italy

              EXHIBITION ARTBOX.PROJECT Palma 2.0. Palma/Spain

              Los Angeles Art Show 

              Holy Art, London

              Galerie Nicoleta, Berlin, and elsewhere (digital)

2023    Reduced. Berlin and elsewhere. Barcelona, Solo-Show, art number 23

              Participant WORLD WIDE GALLERIES World Tour 2023 (Los Angeles, New York, Basel, Zürich, Zug, Palma de Mallorca, Miami - digital)

              "OUT OF TIME, EMOTIONS AND ACCENTS“ - INTERNATIONAL GROUP EXHIBITION, State Central Museum of Kazakhstan, Almaty

              Hamptons Fine Art Fair (digital)

              New York Art Week (Artifact - digital)

              Athen ́s Open Art, art number 23

              Salzburg, art number 23
              Barcelona, art number 23

              Rome,  art number 23

              Galerie Nicoleta, Berlin (digital)

2022    Athen ́s Open Art, art number 23

              London, Art For Real (April), What Is Art? (October) - Boomer Gallery

              Salzburg, art number 23

              Barcelona, art number 23

              Amsterdam, Lelie Galerij (digital)

              Venice, Artboxy Project (digital)

              Palma de Mallorca, Artboxy Project (digital)
              Miami, ART BASEL Art Week, Artboxy (digital)
2019    „Der zweite Blick. Berlin - die Stadt“ - mit Horst Dietzel. Helle Panke, Berlin
2017    „Die Farbe Rot" - mit Horst Dietzel. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin
2014    “Reduktion. Konzentration”. Helle Panke, Berlin
2007    "Weltenferne - Realitätsgewinne“. Helle Panke, Berlin

Awards and honours

Career Art Award  (Effetto Arte Foundation), San Remo 2023
LEADERS - Protagonists of Art at Washington, November 2023

International Prize Leonard da Vinci, Milano 2024

Los Angeles Art Show 2024 - Investor recommendation

NO BORDERS. A TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY ART EXHIBIT: Monumental. Tokyo - Certificate of honour

PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE CONTEMPORANEA - The finest artists selected by the best international gallerists. Certificate of honour


NORWEGIAN MOODS. Art book by Thomas Falkner
The NORWEGIAN MOODS edition was inspired by the artist's and his family's long-standing personal connections to Norway. It focuses on the natural beauty of the country. Above all, however, it is dedicated to the modern urban space of Oslo with its unique architecture, the effect of which is particularly accentuated by modern artistic means.

Order here: 

THOMAS FALKNER. Catalogue Artboxy 2022 (Zug/Switzerland):

Find here:

„Der zweite Blick. Berlin - die Stadt“ Catalogue.
With the laudatory speech by the State Secretary of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Gerry Woop.

Find here: zweite Blick - Bildband-compressed.pdf?dl=0


A bit of Berlin history
Berlin-Mitte: The Karl-Marx-Allee II residential area - despite all the changes that have taken place there - is still regarded as an urban jewel of post-war modernism. It presents itself as a largely quiet residential area with plenty of greenery. Malicious tongues could say: one of the most boring parts of Berlin.
But that wasn't always the case. The neighbourhood's upswing began in the 17th century, when Huguenot immigrants settled outside Berlin's city walls and began cultivating gardens. Prussian King Frederick II obtained his favourite fruit - cherries - from here. The attractive gardens soon became a centre of attraction for excursionists from the city - and were further developed especially for this purpose. An entertainment and cultural quarter was created: the legendary "Grüne Neune", an excursion restaurant, was initially located on today's Singerstraße. 1824 saw the beginning of the neighbourhood's theatre history, which reached its peak with the Wallner Theatre. The Jewish-run theatre was closed by the Nazis, largely destroyed during the Second World War and then disappeared from the cityscape.
Here is a thorough history of the neighbourhood:

Teure Kirschen, „Grüne Neune“ und das Wallner-Theater
Ein Stück Geschichte des Berliner Stadtteils Karl-Marx-Allee II
Theaterdreieck Ifflandstraße - tf Februar 2023.pdf (9.38MB)
Teure Kirschen, „Grüne Neune“ und das Wallner-Theater
Ein Stück Geschichte des Berliner Stadtteils Karl-Marx-Allee II
Theaterdreieck Ifflandstraße - tf Februar 2023.pdf (9.38MB)

Offer behind acrylic block 15 x 10 cm - as a gift, desk set or display stand on a bookshelf.
Prices: One acrylic block costs 28,90 Euro + shipping. For orders of three or more acrylic blocks we grant a discount of 15 percent.
Please send orders or enquiries to
Here are two examples: